
Sunday, October 6, 2024

Farewell Hame, and welcome...

 On Saturday, my exhibition Hame closed. Late in the afternoon, Barry and I headed down to dismantle the show and pack the pieces up.

It never ceases to amaze me how quickly a show comes down, after the time it takes to make the work and set it up!

Rolling up the scrolls and keeping them with their rusty tins.

Amazing how compact they become, after having drifty regally from the tops of their plinths.

Add in the cubes from Rolling the Dice and a folded up Postcards Home and a bundled up The Emigrants in their pouch and the whole show is nearly here!

Bundled and Burnt gets added in alongside the display case for Rolling the Dice. The perspex case for The Emigrants is pretty large; and Travelling Home the wall piece is also of a size so they do add a sense of heft (tho not shown here).

And it is done. We will be leaving the plinths with the Museum rather than carrying them back to Australia with us

And straight away they have a new role in life! I have moved my four hand stitched books onto the main table where they will accompany the work the High School students made in the workshop we did with them. I am so excited for the students that their work will get a public showing.

And on Sunday morning, Tracy, their teacher, and I set up their work.

Once more, the work is all about ideas of home and what it means.

So vibrant and mazing - so much to look at, to draw the eye. I really enjoyed displaying them and showcasing this bit and that...

I love all the shadows and the angles too!

I really want to go back now and have a good look through them. Some of the work was exceptional, sincerely thought through and well resolved and presented. So many complex ideas were considered, and so many creative expressions made of them. Always, young people will surprise you, and impress you.

This showing is on for two weeks, from Monday 7 October until Saturday 19 October. One of those weeks is the school holidays so hopefully more students will get the chance to visit and see their work on display. And hopefully there will be more visitors generally!

It has been a great collaboration between artists, the High School and the Museum. So good to have community working together to showcase art and talent.

1 comment:

  1. such a grand repurposing ... surely you and Barry have left such positive impressions on your Scotland hometown


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.