
Sunday, January 12, 2025

The red book continues

 So I had sorted out the look and feel of the pocket, the title and the cards for this wee book; but the cover was making me think long and hard.

I knew it would be black. And then I could see segments of red machine sewing and threads dangling. That feels like me, and the jagged nature of the stitching felt a part of the story I was trying to tell. But when I tested it, it just didn't work for me. It was way too messy and disrupted, and did not feel nice at all.  

I then moved all the dangling threads inside and tidied up the front to see if the helped. It helped a lot, but still wasn't quite right.

So I think I have landed on a single continuous line of red stitching about a third of the way down. Yet to be tested!

The inside cover will be attached to the outside cover by  a frame of hand stitching. I needed to check if red was the way to go; or black. This is what it would look like on the outside cover. I chose the black.

Instead of doing a pamphlet stitch or variation of it I think I will machine sew the book to the cover, and
 here I was testing how that might look on the inside, with either red or black. At the moment I am going with the red.

So many choices! So many decisions!

So I sat down and wrote down everything that I think I have decided to do - from the paper size, to where to stamp; to what to mask off, to which typeface to use for the title; to whether or not I will use Letraset or letterpress on the cards....and I think I might just about be ready to get fully going!

In the meantime it has been nice to visit my Dad's orchid house and see some of his beauties on show. A couple of my current favourites...

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