
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sometimes beauty is enough

It's fascinating to stop and observe or consider your own responses to art; to works in progress and to objects.

I have been really enjoying having the book stacks around - with their worn and torn beauty.  And it really is beautiful to me. I don't know what it is, but I feel calm and warm and gentle and peaceful when I look at the stack of old books with their spines ripped off and their inner stitching revealed.

I would love to understand what it is that happens, that produces that sense of warmth and relaxation almost.  It would be a good medication to patent I expect as it feels like my heartbeat slows, my blood pressure drops, stress falls away from my being, muscles relax and lengthen and that everything is smooth and calm.  I likened it once to feeling like warm, flowing caramel inside.

So here they are again, but this time only their corners, just because they are beautiful.

And just as a final shout-out - Barry and I are off to Melbourne tomorrow to set up our exhibition at Hand Held Gallery in the city!  The show will open on Thursday 6 October, from 6pm - 8pm.

The exhibition is on from 6 October to 29 October, and the gallery is open Tuesday-Sunday 12pm - 5pm, just in case you get to fly by or drop in!


  1. I completely and whole heartedly agree Fiona. :) I remember Hand Held Gallery from when I lived in Melbourne - your exhibition sounds just wonderful and I so wish I could attend and meet you, see your work in person. Best of luck with it!

  2. missed your handheld turn by *this* much (did you catch my 'through the window' piccie of hand held from last week?...... its a cute little space!)

  3. Hi Louise - I thought we would share this sentiment...
    It is a shame when our blogging buddies have shows we can't see, feel or attend; but its nice to know there is support out here in far flung places, thank you! You never know how or when our paths might cross - its good to be open to opportunities.

    Thanks Ronnie - yes its a beautiful wee spot and I did notice the thru the window shot! I know Imprint was soooo close to the exhibition time; if only I'd thought that thru a bit better...

  4. what a beautiful sentiment - and you are so right... if only we could help each person find their 'beauty' pressure point, the world would be a calmer, more peace-filled place... i love hearing about and seeing what brings you this deep feeling (i imagine it is only one of them - which is wonderful)...
    best luck at the gallery... i love the name of it! and am sure the beauty and inspiration you two set up there will touch many people...

  5. I love the texture and the mood in these photographs.
    All the best for your show in Melbourne, I wish I could drop by...

  6. Good luck for the show Fiona! Have fun! There's still loads of good art (and other stuff) happening in Melbourne at the moment - both print/artists book-related and not.

  7. Your photos make me feel pretty warm and relaxed too. Excellent photos Fiona!

  8. these shots are great. and i so get your point. look at all the care, the years of craft knowledge in those structures, let alone what's inside them.

  9. I wish you both every success in Melbourne. I don't see how it cannot be so! Love the photos and know what exactly what feelings you describe. Those pages look soft and well worn, so tactile and evidencing signs of the life they've led so far.

  10. If only this stack of books could talk - Great shots - they evoke mysterious tales of many readers and a 'nobility of purpose' and a hardiness that today's books lack

  11. Best wishes for the exhibition! As for old books and their medicinal qualities...I thoroughly agree. It makes me think of scientific tests I read about once that showed that simply laying eyes on someone you love creates a chemical reaction much like that from eating chocolate (or is it the other way around?) At any rate, I think the tranquilizing effect we feel from old books is similar - we are among loved ones, familiar and comforting just to be around, but always with the possibility of having something on offer, perfectly suited to us, to please and inspire.

  12. Maire - thank you for visiting. I love the idea of finding people's 'beauty' pressure point s- it would be marvellous to activate it in us all. Thanks for the wishes too - the gallery name is perfect for what it does.

    Hi Anna - the textures are sublime aren't they? Maybe one day we'll all get the chance to visit each other somewhere, somehow...

    Thanks Amanda - yes Melbourne is always a fab visit. Thanks for the wishes too.

    Hi Robyn - thank you. Sometimes they say enough don't they, and they make you feel calm.

    Thank you G/TT - as ever so perfectly put! They are medicinal in their own way and simply being in their presence is therapeutic.

    Thanks Velma - there is so much in these books; as you say without factoring in the content. Labours of love in so many ways.

    Lesley - I thought you might understand that feeling! Thanks for the good wishes across the miles.

    Hi N - thanks. They do have layers of mystery in them, and oh if those pages could talk. There's a sense of solidity and sturdiness and steadfastness as well, I agree.

    Thanks G/TT - as ever so perfectly put! I agree they have medicinal properties and simply being in their presence is therapeutic. So very comforting and familiar.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.