
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Work in progress...

This is a bit cheeky, but I wanted to show you some of the things that Barry and I got up to on the weekend, without letting you in on what they are intended for. Sneaky I know, but down the track I think you'll appreciate the finished piece!

I am very fortunate to have Barry in my life to help me get art pieces from A to B. He doesn't even mind some of the twists and turns in between.  He knows so much about fabrication of things and is very 'handy' as the expression goes.  He has good tools and good ideas and understands art, so that is a deadly combination when it comes to me trying to fully express an idea or design.

So here I learnt to rivet - in the old fashioned way with copper rivets.  None of this pop-rivetting tool kind of thing; but hammering and 'setting' first, then 'doming'.

Then on we went to the making putting a few bits of rusty metal strapping together in weird and wonderful ways...

And then turn them upside down - as you do!

This has been a great example of me having an idea, but not the skills to fully execute it. Barry came up with the solution; he taught me how to do the things and together we worked out the details of actually doing it.  You wouldn't think that there could be such different approaches to finding the centre of something - but as ever, we came at it from opposite directions, yet still found the middle path.

I hope to be able to show you the finished piece towards the end of the week...


  1. I always knew you were a shipbuilder at heart!! Dying to see what evolves.

  2. I am also fortunate in that I have The Man to help me.In the basement is a chunk of steel which will become a nipping press.One day...

  3. I have no idea what this is/will be - but I like it!

  4. I am intrigued... can't wait to see what you have created...

  5. Hmmm...what would have a handle? Assuming the curved piece is a handle, that is. I keep picturing metal straps over a wooden box...which is no doubt not even close to what you're making. Can't wait to see!


    (couldn't get blogger to publish Jennier's original comment, so here it is via me, F)

  6. Fiona, I am also intrigued . . . I can't wait to see what it is.

  7. A collaboration made in Heaven... to coin an old phrase.

  8. yes, you are very lucky to have your friend Barry to help with what looks like a very creative idea with metal.. looking forward to the finale!

  9. very intrigued and looking forward in seeing what it could be!

  10. I can't guess, Curious & curiouser ... looking forward knowing more x gb

  11. Hi all - thanks for the interest; a bit cheeky I know but I do so love to see thing in the making and then wonder how they go to be the finished product... and yes I am lucky to have the Man alongside with lots of excellent solutions!

  12. What a great team the two of you are! Can't wait to see how this piece progresses.

  13. Hmmmmmm - it's nearly the end of the week!! The studio is calling!!

  14. G/Tt - yes the dynamic duo perhaps! Laugh.

    N - I know I know - it's pretty darn close - tomorrow, tomorrow i promise!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.