
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A journal article

There is a great journal from the US called "Bound and Lettered". It caters for artists' books, bookbinding, papercraft and calligraphy.  I have subscribed for a number of years and it is always a treat when it arrives to sit down with a cuppa and go thru the articles.

In this edition (Volume 10, Number 4), I was fortunate to be included with an article on how I wrote on the big log of timber outside David Linton's wood shop here in Maleny.

The article is titled Words on Wood and goes through the trials and tribulations of writing on such a large piece of timber. It also compares the timber when it was originally put in place in 2009, and how it has weathered over the years.

I am thrilled to say that the lettering has survived a couple of very wet summers.

I wrote about the weathering a bit here on my blog last year.

I was really pleased that they accepted the article - and I am in great company in this Volume. The articles on Activist Scribes by Carol Du Bosch and Calligraphy for a Cause - out of the silence by Sally Penley have completed energised and enthused me.  There is also a great article on Modern Bindings on Antiquarian books by Jen Lindsay. And plenty more. It has taken several cuppas to get through this one.


  1. It's always great to hear good news like this Fiona, and that weathered log looks just fabulous.

  2. I love Bound and Lettered too. The article was great and your finished piece looks very beautiful.

  3. Great for your work to go out into the enormous world... and such a wonderful piece.

  4. Have not bought a Bound and Lettered for a while now Fiona so thanks for the reminder. I had a lovely e mail from Carol du Bosch once with instructions for making a certain book structure I'd enquired about so maybe this edition should go on my shopping list. Congrats on being published... again!

  5. Thanks all for your support and congrats! It's nice to share good news...Go well.


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