
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday Thoughts...

"Always read something that will make you look good if you die in the middle of it". 

 P.J. O'Rourke

This always makes me smile.  I am sure that at times people are quite keen to let you know what they are reading because it is fashionable, controversial, very very clever or highly-thought of, and that somehow their reading of it adds something to their worthiness.

On the other hand of course some books are kept in wrappers such that nobody knows what you're reading. I remember in recent times that book about 50 Shades...was in a plain grey wrapper in our favourite book shop. I laughed of course because everybody would know exactly which book lay below that cover so it seemed like a double-blind something or other.

My reading style is eclectic, and I would suggest there is only a 50-50 chance that I would look good if I died in the middle of most of the books I read!  I'm not sure what the other half would say about me; but in the end it doesn't really matter does it?

My very own shades of grey (or white) book... The Unbearable Whiteness...


  1. This made me smile. I'm probably 50-50 too though I can't say it was something I've ever considered before.

    1. It's a funny thought isn't it Gina? My bedside pile is eclectic to say the least!

  2. If I am dead I don't care what people think. Come to think of it I don't much care now. Just finished The Wild Girl by Kate Forsyth (awesome) and starting on Joel Salatin's That aint normal, talk about eclectic.

    1. Good point Trace, and like you I read what I want to - from highbrow to trash and whatever lies in between if it interests me! Thanks for the tip re Kate Forsyth - have added it to my increasingly long list!

  3. Love that quote... I'm afraid my bookpile might really get folks wondering... and luckily it would be too late for me to care.

    1. My sentiments exactly Valerianna - I think I would confuse many folk.

  4. Wonderful quote! My reads might be hard to discern as there are always stacks of hopeful titles I never seem to get to!

    1. Hi CIndi - maybe that's a great trick - all the possibles could be really important looking and no one need every know one didn't get to read them!

  5. I think I may slip into the 60/40 or 70/30 camp Fiona with the easy read stuff erring on the larger side. I seem to buy more non fiction these days and my fiction reading goes in fits and starts often spurred into action by a good review or hearing a reading on the radio. I think I may have been guilty of reading something to look good in the past but those books often turned out to be something I did not understand or enjoy so the lesson to just read what I like is well ingrained. I think the most important thing is that we read, no matter what it is.

    1. As is often the case Lesley you speak my truth! I sometimes try to read a book that should be good for me; but am often left annoyed, frustrated or just feeling like I didn't get it. And seriously if it's going to take me that much to interpret it and ponder it deeply, then that isn't reading for pleasure. Sometimes I want to be challenged, but often I want to enjoy and relax and feel as if I am being rewarded...reading almost anything is fine by me.

  6. Hmmmm.... not likely I'll die in the midst of a gripping read...but perhaps of boredom with some books.

    1. Some books can be deadly can't they - anaesthetising if you will. A good one keeps you hanging out for more and hoping it won't end.

  7. there have been times in my life when i went everywhere with a book, sometimes a very special book, because i needed to be reading all the time!

    1. Hi V - I'm not sure I've actually passed thru that phase; I seem to still be in it!

  8. I think "they" would say, what is it with her fixation with Anne Lamott?I have 7 next to my bed. Looking at your 'Unbearable Whiteness' ....Once again I'm intrigued with the pristine white on weathered wood.

    1. That sounds like a good pile to dip into Robyn! I think I have to confess I've not read her at all yet. More to add to my list I think. And thanks about the pristine paper and weathered timber; there's something special going on there isn't there? Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.