
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Studio chaos and mayhem plus good news!

I'm not sure if this happens to other people, but my studio looks like it has erupted and spewed forth bits and pieces of everything, from everywhere.

Not a good look.

I find I get totally engrossed or focused on something and keep having ideas about it, needing to jot them down, sketch them, grab some paper that might be needed, try a bit of this, make a bit of that. Compare this with that, then a new idea is generated from that comparison and it's off again in a new direction. That is the current state of the studio.

Which in its own way is good I guess - it means I am working - but there comes a time when the madness and chaos no longer offers me goodness, creativity and bursts of enthusiasm; when the chaos actually offers me strife. And so we arrive at tidy up time.

Take the time to step away, breathe in and out. Potter here and there, put things back where they belong, tidy, sort, create harmony all over again.

It seems to be a bit of a cycle for me - start tidy, make mess until there is only a small area left in which to work because every other surface is covered, then tidy. Repeat.

Before the tidy up began…

I can't even begin to explain what half those things are doing there - they simply represent my grasshopper-flea-like mind jumping all over the place!

This is where I got to with my tidy up - I can think clearly again now and approach the next steps and stages gently…at least until the next time.

And then this arrived in the mail!  Bound and Lettered Vol. 11 No. 2  features an article on the exhibition I coordinated and curated last year A Letter a Week - Artistic journey Through the Alphabet. What is even better, the fabulous photos taken by Anastasia Karyofillidis are used throughout the article and made the front and back cover! Congrats to Noela and Lisa for the featured works on the covers as well. Happy dance here!

Apologies for the shocking shiny photos; but I was too excited to worry!


  1. You are not alone, either the messy-desk zone or the sudden realization that you have reached the point where you can no longer create! I must admit that I kind of enjoy the chaotic state to a degree (and in my case it isn't unusual for this to include the floor as well as tables/desks/etc.). Still, there are few things more satisfying than beginning fresh, with a nice tidy work space... Enjoy!
    And again, congratulations on the article for ALaW - I'm looking forward to ordering a copy...

    1. Thanks Lisa - always good to know you're not alone! i like the frenzy for a bit, there is so much energy and opportunities are just there to grab; then it become clutter and in the way and annoying… and then I like the calm oasis. It's a great mag and I'm thrilled we go to be stars! ;-)

  2. That's how I tend to work. I am usually so inspired that I have no time to clean as I go, so I just go until I run out of steam. When I don't have any ideas that is when I clean as I am bound to be inspired by something and then I am off again.

    1. We each find our own rhythm don't we trace? And chaos and frenzy seem to be a part of it for a while; then it eases off. Like you I often discover new ideas as I'm tidying, or things are revealed from under the mess that had been forgotten…travel safe and enjoy Vic!

  3. Yes, chaos happens... you are brave to photograph it... bound and lettered is beautiful...

    1. thanks Caterina - it is a little bit brave isn't it! Still I figure I like to see what goes on in the background of makers…and it seems as if chaos and frenzy are often a part of it. Go well.

  4. I can totally relate. This is exactly how my desk looks when I'm in the middle of a creative whirlwind. I don't even notice. Then, one day I do. And I realize I can't make/do one more thing til order is restored. Thanks for sharing your frenzy.

    1. You nailed it Terrie - my experience completely! A fresh start eels good doesn't it?

  5. That is just what happens in my studio too. I can work for days or weeks going from one thing to another with the mess just building up and then suddenly I just can't function and have to clear up. Congratulations on the magazine.

    1. Funny isn't it Gina how that moment arrives and you just can't keep going?

    2. Sorry I onto phone and it's a bit random! I find it fascinating how ichaisvworks in your favour then it doesn't! Go well

    3. Ok I give up chaos works....

  6. Congratulations on the magazine
    I do like seeing glimpses into other peoples workspaces, especially as they are when creative things are happening.

    1. Thanks Jac. Creative workspaces are fascinating pales and I love peeking at them too!

  7. Fiona congrats on the magazine! As for the mess.... that's tidy !! you ought to see mine. ;)

    1. Now that makes me feel better Louise. Chaos can be good then for me, it stops being helpful...go well

  8. Both the tidied space and the magazine look wonderful ... a sense of achievement with both I am certain. I tidied my studio a short while ago and then found I lost things in the process - hope that doesn't happen to you too!

    1. There is every chance Susan! I often wonder where I have put things after a tidy-up...

  9. This sounds so like my work cycle - though I spend too long in the mess and confusion stage. I find clearing up so boring. Someone suggested the approach of putting two things away everytime you go into the room - and I mean everytime - but this lasted for a day or two and I reverted to the usual - more things taken out than put away and piles of stuff everywhere. I've and no self-discipline!

    1. Hi Charlton, we are away at the moment, so intermittent responses sorry! Whilst a part of me lsees the value in the two items theory, I think I would fail dismally! I sometimes need the mess to keep me going it seems. Horses for course I guess! and zi'm pleased to know I'm not alone! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.