
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Thursday Thoughts...

“your handwriting. the way you walk. which china pattern you choose. it’s all giving you away. everything you do shows your hand. everything is a self portrait. everything is a diary.” 

Chuck Palahniuk

This made me stop and think for a bit.  And after cogitating, I came to the view that he's probably right!
Certainly handwriting is very individual and somewhat unique I think, the way you walk is pretty much 'you' as well, even tho you probably wouldn't know it, seeing as how you probably rarely observe yourself walking.  But you know how you can sometime recognise somebody in a crowd by the way they walked, held their head, waved their arms??? It does become very individual.

And then it comes to those moments when we choose and make decisions - where we often get to play out our preferences and styles, where more of us is revealed.  Not so much at those times in our life when you are trying hard to fit in perhaps; but often even then it shows up! I was joking with Barry the other day about how hopeless at fashion I was as a young person - I had no idea and of course I only got to buy the 'cool' clothes when they were on sale. Fo which you can read they were out of season and destined to be not cool as soon as I bought them. So even when you try to fit in your self portrait is painting itself…

I found it kind of nice to think about all these little bits and pieces as a self-portrait or a diary; tell tale signs of whom I am and how I am just me.


  1. your beautiful work is a portrait of you Fiona. i see you more in your pieces than when i look at an actual photograph of you - although this is likely due to the fact that i only know you online. perhaps when i finally do get to meet you - which i hope will happen eventually - i can better fuse the two. i have your pebbles along the ledge by my bed, and can create four words with them bar one, and i still struggle to find what the fifth word is. it's a constant game. i rearrange the letters over and over. sometimes i'm half in my bed leaning over to the ledge to do it after i wake up. i'll get there. perhaps a letter pebble is astray ... but still, i have not seen yet. i have been looking at your shoppe and may buy more, so to create entire words. i'll email you some photos x

    1. Hi Louise, we do get a sense of a person from their work don't we? I hope I am like mine!

  2. I agree. There are tell tale signs... little things that give us away. Pinterest and Tumblr spell it out for us. I've even surprised myself.

    1. There are tell tale signs aren't there Robyn. Very insightful regarding Pinterest and tumblr - they certainly do show us who we are...

  3. OOPS! Does that mean I have NO secrets?

  4. Our artistic endeavours give us away and our blogging too ... our aspirations, hopes for our work and our uncertainties reveal themselves on screen, perhaps because its mostly non-threatening and without future come-back, rather like talking on a long journey with someone you've not met before and spilling out your life story. You can afford to be honest.

    1. It has certainly been my experience with. Logging Charlton that your word, your images reveal a lot about you, and as you say it seems OK be honest. The connections are real and valued.

  5. ~never really thought much about the words above...but i think they are very true...your art IS a true reflection of your calming tranquil yet passionate are matched perfectly with what you do!!! your gift is unique to you, your heart and beautiful mind...much love light and blessings~

    1. Thank you so much Brandi - and the same holds for you! Only you could do what you do - it is uniquely yours…Like you I hadn't really pondered these words, but when I did I found they held true. Again, apologies for lateness.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.