
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Beyond bombs and burning...

I posted my three books for the Al-Mutanabbi St project off to the UK today.

Here is what I said about them:

This book reminds us that even when books are burned, the ideas and thoughts within them survive. They are absorbed into people’s minds; they are shared between friends; and they become even more powerful. In this book, burned pages are held within light timber covers, which can be read as a sacred object or as a book. 

The quotes used are: 
Every burned book enlightens the world (Ralph Waldo Emerson) 
The paper burns but the words fly away (Akiba Ben Joseph) 
Books cannot be killed by fire (Franklin D Roosevelt)

I had thought I would do a concertina book; but couldn't find an elegant or meaningful solution. Then I thought I might wrap the pages and bind them somehow, but I couldn't find a good way to do that either. I started to see in my mind's eye the bifold doors of an icon - the back panel with two side panels, and thought that might work with my three pages.

And so it was.

Standing, the first glimpses.

Fully open, standing.

Fully open, lying flat like a book.

We bought the beautiful small hinges in Prague last year - with the notion of using them on books well and truly in my mind. This then led to the trick about how to attach them to covered grey board covers, and so I turned to wood. But not wood that might cause customs problems in differing countries where they travel; rather balsa wood which is light, clean and crosses borders well. It is also  bit delicate, and will bear the marks of being handled.

The pages in more detail.

The three books together.

I have made an edition of 5 and I will keep one book for myself and the other will be available for sale at some point. I wish them safe travels.


  1. So eloquent - both the words and the work. I'd wondered just how these pieces would be bound into a book and, for the life of me, couldn't figure out what you'd do. After all, each quote is fully capable of standing on its own as is the artistry of each.

    Your iconic binding/mounting is beautiful - powerful in its stillness, letting the words and artistry shine. Brava Fiona!

    1. Thanks so much J - it was a quiet resolution that in the end seemed just right. I spent quite a few moments in the dead of night wondering just how I'd bind them too! Then along came that image in my mind of the icons...

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Penny - it took a while but we got there...

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Mo - I think they tell their story well.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Jac - I am fond of simplicity and elegance, and think we got there with these.

  5. Brilliant solution for becoming a book. Lovely.
    Sandy in the UK

    1. Thanks Sandy - they feel book-like and the experience of opening them and revealing them seem to work. Go well,

  6. Elegant and powerful, Fiona, and so beautiful!

    1. Thanks Carol - I am hearing those words about the work at the exhibition as well, I may be moving in that direction it seems!

  7. lovely (and I'm adding those burning quotes to my collection :D )

    1. Thanks oh burning one! They are good quotes (only fragments of them). They capture it well for me.

  8. Really beautiful with a very spiritual connection

    1. Thanks Rosie - they feel special and I hope they are valued. Go well.

  9. Skillful, thoughtful, emotive and beautifully crafted Fiona.

  10. How very beautiful Fiona. Just lovely.

  11. gorgeous, fiona. they bring with them the sacred reference to triptychs - and somehow soften the sorrow i feel when i read about burned books. have a wonderful open studio!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.