
Sunday, November 22, 2015

cutting, inking, burning...

As mentioned previously I am working on three books for the Al-Mutannabi St Starts here project.

I have now managed to cut out the pages for the three books (my finger gave up cutting out all five pages I had prepared - here's hoping I don't stuff any up).

The remnants of cutting out nine pages.

Here are the nine lined up, and overlapped and looking lovely - I am quite fond of the white, the negative space and the layering of multiples.

And here is the page after I painted walnut ink onto the the pages. Quite gorgeous in its own right!

After drying, slight smoking and then more smoking...

Edging closer...


  1. Oh Fiona, these are fantastic, my increasingly arthritic hands couldn't do this but I can still appreciate the work that has gone into it. Lovely.

    1. Thanks Penny - one of my fingers fears it may not be able to do them for much longer either! But I shall persist for a bit yet. Go well.

  2. Replies
    1. It is indeed Roberta - I find it focusses the mind and I get almost trancelike in a way! Go well.

  3. beautiful work and photos Fiona!

  4. Just lacework! Such delightful works! Cheers, Patti

    1. You're right Patti - it is quite reminiscent of lace-work isn't it? I might do some that I keep white I think...go well.

  5. I can just imagine all the time and effort put into all your precision cutting .. and with such lovely results... love the connections between the letters forming the words.

    1. Thanks Donna - it took some time, but was enjoyable and I liked figuring out how to create all those connectors and links betweens letters and the frame...go well.

  6. Amazing work Fiona, you come up with fantastic ideas, lots of cutting though

  7. So very wonderful. The smoking really makes it.
    Sandy in the UK

    1. Thanks Sandy - it really changes the nature of it doesn't it? I had originally thought white on white is beautiful; but is just doesn't carry the weight of the message as well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.