
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Letterpress whisperings

The title of the post is an odd one, but it is how I have come to feel about getting access to letterpress materials - presses and type in particular.  Its not easy to find presses or type or the other bibs and bobs you need in Australia.  We don't have many left, and they seem to be part of an underground world, where messages are passed around between this one and that. Letterpress whisperings...

I felt beyond belief fortunate to have been part of the whispering network through the week. The fellow I visit to rummage around in his shed and see what sort of odd sets of type he might still have, emailed to say he had come across a stash of things if I was interested.


So Barry and I enlisted the help and the car of my dad and headed south again - the second trip in ten days to gather more type and drawers and things...

It took two cars, packed to the gills and quite heavily laden, but it was worth it. I have spent the weekend sorting, cleaning, hauling, lifting  and detailing what I gathered and I remain elevated on a cloud by the sheer volume of it and its gorgeousness.

Loading some of the trays into the back of our car.

A pile of the trays on the floor in the studio.

And on the paper drawers...

I think there were 27 trays all up.

Full. Of type.

Barry spent most of his Saturday cleaning, sanding and oiling the cabinet to return it to its aged grace. What a gem he is.

I loved the back of the cabinet and its many many stories...

Barry also cleaned the furniture rack for me. I won't need to go looking for furniture for a very long time!

The small Adana that we bought up as well.

With all of this stuff strewn round the studio, I decided "Holy Exploding Studio Batman"
would be an apt title for this panorama shot.

This is where I got to by cob Saturday - cleaning the drawers and slotting them back in.

And when I pulled up stumps this afternoon, it was nearly done. Or at least there was enough room on a table for me to make and cover some book covers for a job I must do (when I am not distracted by type...)

And to add to the wonder of the week, I got an email asking if I would like to be gifted a book press, a sewing frame and sundry bookish bibs and bobs. Clearly yes was the only appropriate answer, so off we went on Saturday morning to collect that as well - lots of whispering going on amongst the binders and the letterpress folk. And lots of heavy lifting going on for Barry and I!


  1. Replies
    1. Oh yes Penny, I know how lucky I am - so glad for the whisperers...

  2. Replies
    1. I remain somewhat discombobulated Mo that these now reside with me, but oh so wonderful! Always happy to pay for them - just so hard to find them!

  3. Oh my... the gods are smiling on you Fiona. When do you start printing the local news?

    1. What a hoot - fancy me guest editing the Range News with these! Oh my, what fun - but just imagine it is how it was done - amazing!

  4. Lovely to think that we were moving type around the same time! And lovely Barry! All my equipment is still pretty grotty, as I only have so much energy. But welcome to the whispering world ... Now that you're here, you'll have to start working out how to say 'no'. x

    1. Oh my goodness - moving type has all of my admiration and awe - it is heavy stuff! Yes, what a legend B is, just doing all that dirty work without me even asking. I completely agree with your last bit - no is so hard to say, but I think I'm almost there! Loving being part of the whispering world...

  5. Replies
    1. I feel fortunate for sure Kate - a little bit poorer, but somehow richer!

  6. F- Such a wonderful haul - such an opportunity for future creation. Lot of work to be done in sorting and cleaning but it will pay off. B

    1. Such a stash indeed B - and thank you for all your assistance very step of the way! So much fun lies ahead...

  7. I love the title for your post, Fiona! And what a treasure Christmas, and it seems like wonderful time with fall about to begin there - a time for settling in with exciting new studio materials & plans... Enjoy!

    1. Thanks Lisa - I feel like a member of an an underground something or other! I am really looking forward to getting in and using the type experimenting and setting and just enjoying it. Mist and rain on our first Autumn day here...go well.

  8. I seem to be swooning a lot on your blog today Fiona. Your print makers corner is divine!

    1. Thanks Robyn - it is looking good and will be soon up and running well and truly!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.