
Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Giving and Receiving

Life as an artist-maker in the land of blog is a good place to be.

I have 'met' and made many friends through blogging and have even actually met some of them in person!

The main thing I have found is that they are kind and generous spirits and that occasionally parcels will appear out of the blue with gifts made with love and care and thoughtfulness inside.

Today was one of those days when I received these gorgeous gifts from a blogging buddy. They are special, they are gorgeous, they are precious.

Her work is so thoughtful, so personal, so supportive and connecting and the words that accompany each piece are always so perfect and so poignant.

This beautiful hand made necklace, strung on Habu thread in a perfect pouch. With flowers, seeds and sunshine motifs. 

And then this.

In memory of my gorgeous mum who died so suddenly and unexpectedly in December. These bells shall chime and drift and be open to the world as they hang in a tree on the block. The gentle tinkle shall be another forever reminder.

Again, the pouch so beautifully crafted and intrinsic to the piece it holds and protects.

And in a funny way I got a gift from myself. An envelope I had posted to myself as part of an exchange.  It still felt a bit like Christmas to receive it!

 And some pouches I sewed and stamped for some friends - there will be wee gifts and thank you s in side - it is nice to just give gifts to friend for being friends.

So I am feeling fortunate again today that love and care and friendship surrounds me, from all corners of the globe and that art and making is so rewarding.


  1. What wonderful thoughtful gifts, the world of blogging brings pleasure to so many.

  2. (((Fiona))) you & Barry create such a beautiful peaceful space in this wild 21stC world

  3. Wonderful to view these treasures! Thanks for sharing. And for being a part of the positive power of social media!

  4. Blogland is indeed a place one finds generous individuals. It's been my expereince too.Such beautiful gifts.

  5. beautiful gifts from wonderful friends


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