
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Go Girl

Each year I do a print of Go Girl!.

I gather together a selection of random wood type and print the words so they fit on an A5 piece of grey card.  Each edition is an open edition so I can add to it should I need; but I usually print 10 for starters.

I have done three previous prints . The first was GG, the second GGI, the third GGII and this one is GGIII.

A practice lay out of the type.

A couple of trials on cream card.  I like to then turn the page a bit and print again without re-inking - the effects are always interesting.

And then off we go.

I love how wood type shows the marks of its history and life - the rough edges, the splits, the chunks nicked out at different times...

And my highly professional display of all four in my studio!

Go Girl indeed!


  1. Love them! Have you ever done some small business card size ones? (just thinking of keeping a few in a handbag to give when appropriate)

    1. Oh Louise - what brilliant idea. I have been away a few days itching to get home and check out the type options for a business card sized one. Thanks you!

  2. Love the way they are all different. Very pleasing.

    1. Thanks Penny - its a goal to have them different, yet recognisably similar. Siblings perhaps!

  3. you Go Girl! so eloquently (((Fiona)))

    1. Thanks Mo. It is a great line I think! Go well, go girl!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.