
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Some good news

Whilst we were away I received confirmation that the State Library had purchased two more of my artists' books for their collection.

Their collection is a prestigious one and I always feel honoured when they purchase my books - and in particular, it feels extra special when the books they purchase are special to me.

The two books were: Peace Emerging and I would have loved a sunburnt country.

These books were part of the Compassion exhibition at Nambour's Old Ambulance Station Gallery during June and July.

As ever, with official collections, selections are made at the time and then decisions are made about budgets and capacity to purchase, as well as alignment with the collection's goals etc.

So about 6 weeks after the show closed confirmation arrived.

On return I completed the paperwork for the books - for the record so to speak - as well as copyright licenses for the use of them and have sent them off, so it's all official now.

I would have loved a sunburnt country...

And one of my Peace Emerging...

In addition, Barry's Precious Library of Peace was purchased as well, so the two of us will be in the collection together which is rather wonderful!

I like that this means that anybody interested in peace or refugees or women book artists or whatever little quirk of interest might lead them to my books, can now arrange to visit and view them; hold them and handle them, at the State Library of Queensland.

And thanks very much to Ken and Ardleigh the convenors of the exhibition for all the hard work they did to promote and facilitate the purchase.

I still have to update my personal paperwork, CV and website, but all in good time...


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Di - I am so happy we are both in the collection now.

  2. Well done and well deserved both of you

    1. Thanks Jac - it is lovely for these works to end up there. We might even visit them sometime!

  3. Many congratulations to you both! Amazing work.

    1. Thank you Louise - I am very pleased the these were acquired; I like them both and think they are very 'me'. Go well.

  4. always curious, I went to the Queensland State Library website and searched the catalogue ... finding nine of your books and a link to this blog as well. Looking at the titles, I found one that I didn't recall ... A Subversive Stitch ... so I wandered back through the blog to get up to speed. Quite a lovely visit all in all

    Congratulations to you and Barry both ... and kudos to the QSL, which has a significant collection of artist books by Queensland makers (my search pulled up 386!)

    1. Oh Liz, I love that you followed that curiosity thread...A Subversive Stitch is a real favourite of mine and I love that it is all over the world. I thought it might have been in Texas, but Fragile Gains in Texas at Baylor University. You can visit ASS in Georgia, Minnesota, California and Pennsylvania but that doesn't really help you does it? The SLQ has a grand collection and it is always a joy to wander through the books...

  5. Thanks Mo - nice news to receive whilst away!


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