
Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thursday Thoughts...

“I love reading the dictionary”. 

Ann Hamilton

It's always fun when you can use a quote in a couple of ways.  Today' pondering is on Books; but Ann Hamilton is a marvellous artist.

But, protocol, and so I'll stick with books; and folk can go see Ann's work here and elsewhere.

Reading the dictionary is one way (along with reading an Atlas) that I used to put myself to sleep as a child/young person.  Mostly if I was worried or stressed or unable to focus. There was always something soothing in looking at single words and reading about them briefly and moving on to the next one, never really worried about having to comprehend in detail and/or link the narrative and recall earlier things.

As an adult I like reading the dictionary in random moments to discover new words.  I have found my vocabulary is fairly stuck - I use words I know and the most easily recalled ones at that. I turn to the Thesaurus on a regular basis as well to try and expand my language skills.

I wish my vocabulary was larger and that I could find the best and most beautiful way to describe things - but I do what I do. Life is full.

Doing my bibliomancy has been a good way to read things I normally wouldn't and come across words I am not sure of; and the dictionary has been getting quite a go during those session, so hopefully I am building new words, new descriptors and new ways of seeing the world.

Word of the day from (it's actually Thursday 12 March  here but still Wednesday 11 there...) And I love this one!  Now to get it into a sentence.


  1. Ann Hamilton's work is new to me ... you are my "dictionary" for learning new artists! I especially like her quote in Ciliary:

    "My first hand is a sewing hand"

    1. I think she is astonishing Liz. Years ago I was in Portland OR and visited an exhibition of hers (with Carol DuBosch a brilliant calligrapher) and my mind very nearly exploded. She has such a way with words; what they mean personally and as as a community and such interesting ways of interacting with them. More than happy to share! go well.

  2. I've always said if I'm on Desert Island Discs, one of my books will be a dictionary. And an atlas would be another

    1. What an excellent plan Di - you'd never be bored would you? I still find atlases ever so comforting - must go way back. There is something solid about them (altho they change so much these days) and the colours and naming - at least things are in the same spot year after year. You oddly also be creative and playful with a dictionary! Go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.