
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Updating 2

 I wrote earlier about the process of building new websites for DEP and myself, and the updating of our imagery.

Part of that whole process meant we felt we needed to update the words we write about ourselves.  So we had a go at new artists statements and descriptors.

Two things coalesced as I began to consider what I say.  Firstly,  my old tag line - calligraphic and book artist - no longer felt as true to me as it once did.  I described myself as a calligraphic artist, because I didn't feel I could own the title of calligrapher.  True calligraphers are very specially skilled. 

Of course the subtle differentiation meant something to me; but not necessarily to others. And I also began to realise that book artist often made folk think that I was a book illustrator when nothing could be further from the truth or my skill set!

I coined the phrase back in 2004 so its probably not a bad thing anyway, to stop for a moment and think if my art journey has led me somewhere different.

The second thing was when I attended the Poetics of Place workshop with Ruth Hadlow in Hobart in late 2019 (ahhh the before times) and I began to consider NOT describing myself as a thing or a name or a category or a role but rather to consider what I DO. This was the most interesting part.

When I began to look around me and think about what I do - I was stitching words; I was letterpress printing posters and booklets; I was not actually doing much calligraphy but I was definitely still hooked on books.

I used to say things like:

"Books have always been important to me, and I love words and telling stories. No matter what I make, text is nearly always present – in beautiful calligraphic words, in letterpress type, or in burnt book pages". 

And I realised that this still held true. That words and text are at the heart of what I do. No matter WHAT I do, words and text are there...

Along the way I realised I preferred the word maker as well.  Again, the word artist leads folk to imagine all sorts of things and so very often they ask do I paint, do I sketch or whatever.  The word maker immediately brings me to the hands. The doing with stuff. The holding, the tearing, the stitching, the writing, the cutting, the setting, and all those things I do with my hands.

And so I now describe myself as "a maker with words".

Part of me simply loves how this enables me to not be categorised and somehow gives me scope to try all manner of things - to make in many ways and still be true.  These words feel true to me, and about me.

My most recent and detailed descriptor of myself can be found on my website. My artist statement can be found here on my website as well. 

As I finish my artist statement, these words also hold real truth for me "making helps me make sense of the world".

All images by Megan Gill Photography.


  1. oh, I've just taken a most remarkable journey through your words and makings ... and in so doing, I noticed one of your works is held by Baylor University in Waco, Texas, just a couple of hours north of our home

    So I went to the university library website and looked you up as an author search, which led me to the catalog record for Fragile Gains ... but library catalog entries are spare things, so I came back to the blog and searched

    what an amazing piece ... especially in these even more perilous times compared to 2014 ... and best of all, Don and I can go to see Fragile Gains in person ... although I think we'll wait until Covid quiets down

    here is the rather long link for those who might wish to read the catalog entry themselves, which includes the attribution "Dempster, Fiona, artist" ...,contains,fiona%20dempster%20fragile%20gains&offset=0

    1. Oh my goodness Liz, what a wander you have been on! I was only updating my collections information the other day so that's a bit spooky. I do love that piece and it would be so marvellous if you and Don could visit it. Perhaps the genre of Artists' Books require an attribution of an artist - and in a Library I guess the word artist differentiates us from authors? Language is such a help, yet at times a hinderer! Still, I am a maker at heart. I will go back for my own little wander around that book - I remember it started with a jotted line on a scrap of paper in NYC...Go well and thank you for your research action!

  2. Growing every day in every way…..well done for taking time to reflect on where you came from to get to this very moment you are in now!

    1. Thanks C - I do think it is important to stop and ask the occasional question, for surely we all grow and develop and move along...go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.