
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Shape of Things - a catalogue

 I was thrilled a wee while ago when Annwyn asked if I would mind if she made a catalogue of our collaborative exchange of Artists' books "The Shape of Things", and of course I said 'yes!". It was such a great idea to have something tangible that held a record of our books and a bit of the story and background to it all. 

We have both documented the process and the individual outcomes; and I have pulled all the books together for a final gathering post here on the blog, but there is still something wonderful about being able to hold a book about it, in your hands. Rather than simply looking and clicking and linking.

And last week, the catalogue arrived in the mail. I simply love the cover. The muted tones, and the layering our papers in such an elegant and refined manner, accompanied by such fine stitching and detail.

I can see hints of some nest prints, some braille paper and the word 'home', all from my papers... partnering so well with Annwyn's own.

And the Japanese stab binding is intricate and delicate.

Inside each book has its own page, and there is an introductory page as well, explaining a bit of the back story.

Annwyn's Artist Statement followed by her first and last book.

My Artist Statement followed by my first and last books...

Annwyn also managed to use this fabulous paper on the inside of the front cover - stunning!

It is such a lovely thing in and of itself; but it is made even lovelier by the stories told within its covers, and the story of the collaboration that brought it into being. Thank you Annwyn.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.