
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Isolated stitching

 It has been a quietish week here as I tested positive to Covid on Wednesday. No real symptoms, but we knew there was a fair bit about and we were about to have dinner with my Dad so we did a precautionary test and I was gobsmacked! Dad delivered dinner to us that night.

I am tired and a bit achy and feeling not quite 'me' but otherwise am not feeling too badly. Isolating at home as best I can - getting outside in the fresh air for a few walks but keeping a very wide berth if we meet anybody along the way.

So I have been stitching.

It would be nice to report that I have finished the seventh scroll - and I have! So that was good news. 

I had started scroll 7 thinking of the pink of the heather...

I thought this pink would be deep enough to hold its own; but when I looked at the first word I tried, it was clear that you could see that there was something pink there; but that you couldn't quite read it. Given the scrolls will be displayed at a bit of a distance, I knew this one wouldn't work either, so I unpicked the word and began again in this deep forest green.

To think I was nearly done! It then brought me to re-consider the second scroll I stitched which I knew was really too pale to work well.  I had figured I could get away with it if needed; but deep down I knew it should be re-done, if I possibly could.

And here I am with plenty of time at home and no reason not to, so I have begun. You can see how pale the lilac thread was and hard it is to read. I thought about the steely blue seas near us in the Highlands and found two that might work. In the end I selected the slightly lighter one as the dark one ended up looking too much like dark grey.

This shows how much stronger the blue is. I decided I would unpick each word, then re-write it and re-stitch it s a way of breaking up the task into varied pieces.

So the piece is emerging anew one word at a time.

There are quite a few words to go...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tip Liz. I haven't tried that - I did try just stitching over them with the darker thread but that looked particularly ugly so I went ahead with what my sewing teacher describes as 'reverse sewing'! It's OK so far, slow and mediative but, slow!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.