
Thursday, July 11, 2024

Thursday Thoughts...

“It is in the thousands of days of trying, failing, sitting, thinking, resisting, dreaming, raveling, unraveling that we are at our most engaged, alert, and alive.” 

Dani Shapiro

Oftentimes I come across quotes that I have tucked under the heading of Art for my Thursday Thoughts; and in fact when I read them I wonder if they are also not about Life?  This is one such one, and as I sat and played around with it i t struck me that one of the answers to the question is probably that my life is a lot about art. Hence the intermingling and overlaps.

I am reflecting on Art this week and this really speaks to me about the process of trying to make and create.  Of trying and failing; of sitting and thinking; of resisting the direction it seems to be going in; of dreaming about where to next and of course the unravelling.. I am not sure I have ever ravelled but part of me would like to explore it!

I think the final words of the sentence are in particular where I make my life and art overlapping insight - for me when I am in my art, and in the making and in the pondering and in the solving I am for sure at my most engaged, alert and alive in my life.

Playing around with ideas and techniques, wondering how the stories might emerge...


  1. I looked up "ravel" and found myself mightily confused at the seeming equivalence of raveled (untwisted) and unraveled (disentangled) ... much like flammable and inflammable ... the "obsolete" definition "to become entangled" made much more sense

    speaking of which ... I found myself trying to make sense of the image you included ... quite intriguing

    1. Ahhh thank you for your investigations Liz! I have been under the weather and just getting by. The Cambridge dictionary suggest it pertains to separating a mass of threads into single threads - like we do with embroidery floss in a way. Unravelling feels more like falling apart, becoming unstitched or undone? Much pondering could yet occur! The image is a hybrid of layered photography and asemic like writing and has stil lto work out what it might be! But I do like it.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.