Thursday, July 4, 2024

Thursday Thoughts...

"One always sees the soul through words". 

Virginia Woolf

I always enjoy the first moment of contemplation with my Thursday Thoughts quotes. I read a few and one grabs me, and I wonder why, and then I ponder it briefly. In those moments, heaps of things can run through my head.

With this one it went a bit along the lines of "oh yes, I can see that, but then of course she would say that,  she is a writer, and I think you can sometimes see the soul in the trees and the sky and in beautiful art as well.."

So I figured there was something there to ponder!

As ever I find myself a bit unsure and uncertain when I read words like always. They are so definitive. So certain. So directive.  I am never sure I want to sign up to 'always' for pretty much anything.  So I start asking does always really apply?

In this instance I wondered as well if it suggests that it is only through words that one sees the soul? Is there a bracket at the end of the sentence that says "and in no other way". Or does it suggest that each and every time there are words, one see the soul?

I would be more comfortable with one can see the soul through words because some words are so beautifully put together that you do feel a fleeting glimpse of the soul and wonder are revealed. At other times they are less interesting or boring, or difficult, or incomprehensible and I am not sure that necessarily reflects the soul.

Anyway I clearly haven't landed on anything succinct that gets me on top of understanding these words fully; but I have had quite the ponder!

Hope in the dark, FD 2024.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Five scrolls down...

 I have completed scroll number 5; and there are only two more to stitch! 

You can see from this image how they go up and down in size - with the central scroll being the largest and the longest. I am glad I stitched them in this sequence because it seems like less of a mountain to climb to have the two smallest to do as I near completion.

Along the way B took some photos of my hands as they stitched the word ember. It was often important to take an ember from the fire to be able to start and kindle a fire in a new place.

And here it is stumbling down a throw on the arm of our couch!

And scroll 6 begins...