Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Calligraphic happiness...

One of the nicest things about having connections to and with calligraphers is that you sometimes get very very lovely snail mail!

In the last two weeks I have received two gorgeously-addressed envelopes that have made me smile, and then want to show everybody near me!

The first is a thank you from Tania; a talented Gold Coast calligrapher, and the second is a thank you from Helen another very talented calligrapher, this time from Buderim.

It's such a happiness to receive these lovely envelopes and the handwritten cards as well - so thank you both. I just had to share these little moments of joy...


  1. i don't have the calligraphy gene...dammit! i love these.

  2. There just isn't anything quite like a hand-written letter or note. Nothing compares to it, in my opinion. And sadly, it doesn't happen all that often anymore. The mailbox has always been my favorite place. Lately, just bills have arrived.

  3. Very special treats, to be sure! Lucky you...well deserved, however! Cheers!

  4. Calligraphers are sooooo creative! Lucky you.

  5. This looks like the start of a wonderful collection! They are gorgeous.

  6. Fiona, these are SO beautiful!

  7. Hi Velma - so nice you can appreciate it tho!

    Teri I must agree about the pleasure of the post - the world is changing that's for sure; but I do still love getting a letter.

    Patti - thank you' such special treat's you're right.

    Jo - yes I'm feeling like lucky me right now!

    Annie - gorgeous is the word - they really make me smile. In fact I'll add them to my works on paper folio!

    Jane - Yes - they are aren't they? Such clever people!

  8. It's so good to see that the tradition of the handwritten thank you note is still alive - and so beautifully maintained! Thanks for sharing these, F.

  9. G/Tt - yes I think it's lovely to get a hand-written thank you any old way -but wow; this is really stylish!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.