Thursday, April 29, 2021

Thursday Thoughts...

“Ultimately, we’re all just walking each other home” 

 Ram Dass

I came across this quote in a book by Anne Lamott, and it grabbed me as one of the most perfect explanations of our roles and our purpose.

So often we strive for high achievement or ticking off boxes and getting somewhere and yet, what a turn around it is to think in this way.

I immediately see images of parents, children, lovers, partners, walking alongside each other.  Being alongside somebody speaks to me of care and companionship.  Of quiet time together, of chatting and laughing and reminiscing.

The sense of walking each other home suggests care and protection, for and of, another - the creation of safety for another, and the space and time to enjoy togetherness.

"Let us go forth and walk each other home" feels like a useful guide for how to go about things...

Illustrated Pooh and Piglet by E.H. Shepard


  1. I do love Anne Lamott ... and it seems to me that friends can journey together, even halfway around the world

    1. Well, that is very true - ambling alongside each other through different time zones and seasons...delightful!

  2. (((Fiona))) This reminds me of one of the funniest nights ever. Our friend Chris needed to get home in the wee hours after playing and singing 'round the kitchen table over quite a few drinks. Rod could see that Chris was a bit wobbly on the pegs & offered to accompany him on the walk up the hill and round the corner to where he lived. When they got up to the top of the hill Chris could see Rod was also feeling fairly wobbly so he accompanied him back down the hill... they did this quite a few times before they both got home just as the sun was coming up.

    1. funniest "walking each other home" story ever!

    2. Oh Mo that cracked me up! I can see them pondering and considering and accompanying each other; then re-assessing and back we go and onwards and around. Gorgeous!

    3. MC - your story re the guys is classic. B


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