Sunday, February 9, 2025

Not much, but something

 I still haven't spent any time making down at the studio, but I did pop in the other day to collect some cards. I was pleasantly surprised see that before I got sick I had re-arranged a few things and that this little display was now the welcome at the front door. I had completely forgotten I had done this.

I did manage to sit and stitch three more fragments of fabric with resist. Yippee. Major milestone. I felt some of the stitching may not have been clear/legible so added the words and some inked morse code for clarification. Red is still clearly having a moment with me.

And that was pretty much that. As we emerge from under a blanket of blah we managed to walk to town and have a coffee this morning. Another milestone. As a reward, our companion was this young water dragon.

And for context, this is how close they were sitting for most of the time - my chair, my shorts and my shoe. They are quiet and gentle companions and it feels like a privilege to have 'wild' animals spend time so close to you really.

And keeping us company through the week have been flowers and twinkles - cheering us up on the miserablest days. Strelitzias from a neighbour and one of Dad's orchids.



  1. How wonderful to have RESIST appear in our mailbox today … we will take it to heart and carry on!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.