Paper Ponderings
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Lots of this way and that
We are looking at a Cyclone crossing the Coast near us in the next few days so we are a little bit into preparing - moving outdoor furniture, filling up water containers, charging everything, getting our documents together, helping out neighbours, making plans, tuning in to all the services etc. Nothing major, just ready in case we lose power for a few days or the water supply gets interrupted. We have enough food to see us through for more than one would expect to be needed!
And so our minds are a bit jumpy and I have been doing this and that with not very much to show for it.
This is me planning to make a pouch for my Red Card book. Trying to work out which red crochet thread might best match the red sewing machine thread. I think the lucky answer was pretty much any of them so that was good news.
Evening light.
And flowers. Always flowers.
I spent a few days in Sydney last week and on one of our wanders, my friend showed me this. I like to think Resistance is yellow!
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Still Looking Slowly
My work is slow. It takes time. There are so many choices and decisions along the way; most of which need me to test them or trial them. And so we are still looking slowly...
I like the cards, I worked out where the masking strip for lettering would be, I knew which tape worked. I had chosen the pencil and the white pen (tried a silver one but it just looked like more pencil). I had my watercolour palette worked out and I worked out how many pebbles and broadly in which positions.
And so we continue. I have now painted and drawn all the cards for the books. I have blind embossed all the cards, and pierced all the cards. With wisdom I have decided to ignore the recipe because in the end, if the recipe doesn't serve the book it is not helpful. I am still looking at ways to incorporate transparent or translucent paper, but it won't be on the pages.
I have started to plan the covers and am beginning to play with the title page. I think I have chosen the thread for stitching, but am yet to decide on a container. Still plenty to go on with - and of course I still have to write the words!! I did do a trial of each of the pages and the size of lettering that would fit, so that is something. I thought I had lost it, but found it under a pile of paper today so at least I don't have to repeat it.
And just for a break from thinking about the book, I did some more swing tags for Barry.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thursday Thoughts...
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Pebble jewellery galore
In what has turned out to be a very unexpected plot twist, I now have an exclusive supplier of my silver pebble earrings and pendants. When I did my first lessons with Lindsey in Scotland I had no idea it would gradually lead me to here. Along the way I had the pebbles exhibition which was the impetus for me to make the pebble form jewellery that had been in my mind's eyes for ages. And what as stroke of luck that was!
I sold lots of jewellery at the exhibition, such that I had to make extra to ensure there was pieces available for sale throughout the show. It was rewarding and satisfying to see how people responded to it. I really enjoy making it, experimenting with the forms, the texture and the finishes.
So here I am now, splitting time between the studio (artists' books and traditional letterpress printing) and the workshop where I make the pebble forms, and home where I do the finishes and put the jewellery together.
I brought a bunch of forms back from the workshop to work out the finishes. I love the oxidation of the silver and the dark moody grey it creates, so a number of them were dipped in the mix.
And once they are all together, time for packaging.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Red Card
We are on the mend and even tho I love not feeling physically sick with aches and pains and grunge; I think I love having my brain back more! I have really noticed how my brain is getting back to normal - seeing connections and getting enthused, wondering about new techniques and ideas. It feels good.
So I managed to finish my book Red Card.
I made my first artists' book about Australian women being killed by their partners or ex-partners back in 2014. Ten years later, after much hand-wringing, promises, plans and consultations, very little has changed.
In this book I give red cards to governments, lawmakers and law enforcers who need to do so much more to stop women being killed. I give a red card to those men who quite simply, need to stop killing women. I also give a red card to the media who continue to blame women and describe him as a good bloke.
In many sports a red card sees you sent off the field or court, no longer able to participate in the game or match.
I am weary and tired that so little action is taken against this domestic terrorism. I repeat and repeat and repeat STOP. JUST STOP.
I like the combination of black and stitched running stitch and the red machine stitching. When the book cover is open fully and laid flat and face down; the red machine stitching takes on the form of a cross. With the cover closed, the horizontal stitching flatlines...
As ever, I do love a random, dangling thread. The horizontal stitching is nice and clean, but the spine sewing leaves these threads. Domestic terrorism is tangled and messy for those stuck within it.
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Still trying, but now with some words
So after making shapes and blobs and drawing some lines, I began to try to work out how the words might work with the imagery.
After I had fiddled and played and tried and tested things, these are the notes I wrote on the back of each page.
The black pen is too harsh. Writing over the shapes and lines feels the opposite of the words. The writing style feels complicated.
I remain somewhat unsure aa to how I might bring transparency into the mix but I'm hopeful that it might linger at the outside edges of my thinking and work itself out and let me know!
Generally speaking I think I have got some good guide posts - the smooth Japanese card, the washi tape for masking out, the masking out itself as part of the design, the pencil, the capital letters, and the white pen. All good to keep going with. I think also the cooler greys. Maybe adding some extra dimension to the shapes? Still not sure!!!
Next question to ponder - is each page done in the same colour way and tones? Or does each page have its own colour? There are seven so...???
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Trying something out
As mentioned previously, I am really hoping to make a book sometime using my seven sets of words that began with walk... and look slowly
In fact, I went to Julie Chen's Artist Book Ideation cards and captured some goals and guides for making the book. I thought if I took away the structure and techniques issue and just worked to a set of guidelines I might get myself closer to just making the book, given that I have the words, rather than face three more years of pondering...
I find the cards a marvellous tool for breaking through road blocks - they are a bit like the Nike tag line and get me going to - just do it.
I don't often work with the accordion structure so that will be a bit of a challenge. (You can see some testing of ideas and counting of pages coming through the page from the other side!). Mixed media I think I can work with, the translucent/transparent paper is yet to be worked through, but I was happy I got to work with my favourite colours! I have to design an enclosure or box as well. So, these are my parameters.
This was all done a few weeks ago, but on the weekend I collected some watercolours and cards from the studio and brought them home just in case the mood or moment arrived where I felt up to doing something with them. Mindless blobs of watercolour seemed perfect for my brain fog.