Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pieces for Peace together

Last week Susan, Barry and I took the opportunity to photograph our three books for the Pieces for Peace exhibition together, before they head off overseas.

It was really nice to sit with the books and work through them slowly.  They each tell stories, with words, imagery and materials, and it was nice to have the time to really appreciate them.

Here the three are together - Barry front left, Susan's front right and mine back left.

We played with them a fair bit and quite liked this way of fanning them; with Susan's delicate poppy imagery at the front.

And then we liked the spines together - each so different.

And then the tops where you can see how the pages have been attached.

This is Barry's metal book. Made from a brass shell casing from WW2 and steel cartridge boxes, he has added buttons, bullets and casings we came across in Ypres when we visited there. On the inside pages he has stamped war poems and words of peace.

And yesterday, we popped them in the post and sent them off. This little wrap protects my book.

 We wish them well.


  1. Wow.

    Not highly intelligent, but, well, wow.

    1. Thanks J for the wow - they look good together, and it's lovely to think of them heading off to be seen together on the other side of the world, and for such a special exhibition.

  2. These 3 books look so lovely together! I so wish I had the chance to page through each of them... Congratulations on the show.

    1. We were all rather thrilled with how good the 3 different books looked together, and then started thinking about a whole exhibition of them and got quite excited - lucky Susan. Thanks Sharmon.

  3. These are a beautiful entry from Australia and we can be very proud of both you artists and your books. Very much "Wow!"

    1. It felt good to have done Australia proud so to speak Carol, and so lovely to get the feel of the three together - each different yet supporting the other.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Velma, it's nike to have your good wishes travelling with them too!

  5. ~such contrast of personalities shining through...each very unique and beautifully created...grand wishes for thee...much catching up to do with you and b...i promise a nice big email tomorrow morning...for now a quick hello and how do you do...be well and much love light and blessings my dear friend~

    1. Hello right back to you too ! It is nice to see their individualness coming thru, yet their connectedness as well…talk soon!

  6. Fiona, how lovely to get the books together and enjoy them. I love that they look so different whilst having the same theme - imagine the exhibition! Mine's packed up ready to post today. Hope we can have a repeat with four books after they come home.

    1. I hope so too Helen - a reunion visit would be great! It was wonderful to see how well they worked together and gave us just a hint of how gorgeous the exhibition might look. Lucky for us Susan might be able to 'show' us how it looks.

  7. What a beautiful set of books. Congratulations to you all.

    1. Thanks Seth - a pretty special bunch of books, for a pretty special show…go well.

  8. Beautiful set from Australië !!!
    My book for the exhibition is also ready:)


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