Henry Miller
I agree with Mr Miller about keeping books circulating; but can't describe those books that remain in my shelves as wasted ammunition!
I love sharing books and having books shared with me. Barry, my Dad and a friend have an unofficial book club where if we come across a book we think the others might enjoy we share it amongst ourselves and then have dinner to chat about it. The last person to read it, then passes it along to somebody else.
Most of our books end up being circulated around a few times before ending up with somebody else for good; or for them to do their own network of sharing. Some books however, I like to have returned so that I can continue to access them.
I recently spent a morning going back through my Biblio notebooks/journals, remembering all the great books I have dipped into and making notes to myself - MUST re-read this! There were some great books that I had kept, and that I have been reminded to return to for their insight and wisdom.
Not wasted ammunition; just resting until they are needed again.
I agree that when you share a good book with another you are enriched - knowing that somebody else has the chance to love it, enjoy it, be moved by it, learn from it; it does give a bit of a gentle glow to life.
I recently commented on a blog friend's post that I liked her box with "high explosives/dangerous" printed on the lid ... she replied that the box is full of books!
That is just too good! Love it!