The beautiful log I worked on for David Linton is edging closer to its 'unveiling'. I spoke to David today and he is waiting for a crane truck to deliver some timber to his workshop (out of town)and then he will get them to lift up the log and deliver it into town to his shop. You just can't lift this log any other way and it looks like it will be another 10 days or so before it can make the trip to town.
So here are some shots of the writing in progress:
The work set-up; not a classic work space I'm the first to admit.
Followed by the work in progress (with a mistake somewhat evident)

David oiled the timber in the week before I wrote - this seems to allow the ink to bond with the oil somehow, and not bleed into the timber itself, or rub off. I used a loose Roman Capitals hand to make it easier to read and to look contemporary.
I learned a lot about how to remove mistakes from timber (we couldn't budge the ink on the trial piece) by using a scraper and/or the back of a very sharp chisel.