I do love going to the letter box and finding one of those large flat envelopes inside - knowing that it contains one of the journals I subscribe to, and that there will soon be time with a cuppa and a chance to curl up and read about letters, and books and beautiful things.
Two recent journal arrivals contained articles I had written.
The latest edition of Bound and Lettered has a short article about writing on pebbles and making pouches out of book pages. I have it on good authority that the instructions are easy enough to follow as some enthusiastic folk started making pouches straight away. Thanks Jennifer and the urchins!

Its always a great journal and I was thrilled with how gorgeous the article looked.

The Australian Society of Calligraphers' journal Colophon, has a review I wrote of the "Pieces for Peace" exhibition in Ieper; and a short guide to things calligraphic in Brugge. There is also a mention of the best place to buy a good flat white coffee as well!
It was lovely to find the exhibition review partnering with a story on the Buderim Calligraphers.

Which is a fabulous segue into the next part of the post. I have just spent the weekend with a merry band of calligraphers from Buderim, attending a workshop with Colleen Little in Brisbane. More on that to follow when I have sorted my brain and my images, but it did lead me to earlier in the week when I was making the BIG decision around which apron to wear to the workshop. I know, I know. Ridiculous.
You see, I have this old favourite which really really shows its age and much wear and tear. But it just feels like me.
You can see so clearly how I wipe my hands on my apron A LOT.
In an effort to look more respectable when I go out in workshop-public, I made this little one last year, out of scrabble fabric and based on a Japanese house-apron. This one I like very much as well.
And yes, the ubiquitous hand-wiping marks are there again.
The third choice was this fabulous newly-minted, fresh-as-a-daisy, never-been-worn apron that I recently bought in Melbourne. It features the work of Rosalie Gascoigne and I think it looks great.
So which one did I take?