Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Lots of this way and that

 We are looking at a Cyclone crossing the Coast near us in the next few days so we are a little bit into preparing - moving outdoor furniture, filling up water containers, charging everything, getting our documents together, helping out neighbours, making plans, tuning in to all the services etc. Nothing major, just ready in case we lose power for a few days or the water supply gets interrupted. We have enough food to see us through for more than one would expect to be needed!

And so our minds are a bit jumpy and I have been doing this and that with not very much to show for it.

This is me planning to make a pouch for my Red Card book. Trying to work out which red crochet thread might best match the red sewing machine thread. I  think the lucky answer was pretty much any of them so that was good news.

Nevertheless, I have found moments to stop and look at the beauty of life...

Evening light.

And I love how this one just blurred. I would love to be able to paint this!

And flowers. Always flowers.

I spent a few days in Sydney last week and on one of our wanders, my friend showed me this. I like to think Resistance is yellow!

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