Sunday, March 16, 2025

Pouches and Packets

 It is one thing to design, make and finish a book; it is another thing to consider its container. That is the point I got to through the week, when I had to knuckle down and make some pouches for the books I have recently made.

Given we are headed off again shortly, I knew I would not have time to get Perspex containers made, so I turned to stitching pouches or packets...

First up I made the pouches for the three Red Card books.  I had chosen my threads back here, and had pretty much done the measurements, so it was down to cutting, piercing and stitching. And here they are complete.

Three pouches with one book showing. These pouches have a turn-over at the top edge and are hand-stitched down both sides.

One pouch with its book popping out.

As ever, I love the edges...

One book open on top of a pouch.

I am really happy with the simplicity of them, as well as the functionality of them. They protect the book, but look sombre.

I also knew I would have to make pouches for the Simply Being books which I have actually finished, but not yet blogged about, and I managed to get them done on the same day. A satisfying day's work.

These are simpler in a few ways. There is no turn-over at the top; but I made sure to cut the paper so that the feathery deckled edge was a feature. And they are machine-stitched down each side.

I left the threads dangling a bit; and here again, I love the interaction between those edges and threads.

One book on top of its packet/pouch. I think these might be packets because of the no turn-over? I really don't know but they could also easily be pouches.

The title page of the book, on top of its pouch/packet.

Had I had more time, I may have done something different for the containers; but I actually really like these and think they serve the books well.

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I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.