Her main piece was a statement around the busy lives of young people and their desire at times to escape to a fantasy world. It worked beautifully as a statement, using digital prints on transparencies placed within a desktop filing/organiser system, moving from the black and white of school to the full-blown colour of moments of adventure and flights of fancy. It was an interactive piece, allowing you as the viewer to re-arrange the sequence and tell the story as you understand it. The ability to interact and play with art works is a recurring theme in my own work and I really appreciated the opportunity to play with somebody else's work!

There were fabulous photographs, statement paintings, wearable dresses fashioned from plastic bags, artists' books and sculptures and it was great to see so much talent shining through.
Now this is way funky! Between you and Baz, there's a whole bunch of energy happening up on that hill. BTW - stole one of your photos for my PC desktop :-) Look forward to following develops via these blogs during rare moments of downtime - J