Sunday, January 5, 2020

2020 cards

We were busy between Christmas and New Year with guests and family and friends; but managed to get down and print our New Year cards on New Year's Day.  Spending time in the studio felt good.

These wee cards always offer me a chance to test out an idea or try something I haven't done before and this year it was printing within a shape.  In amongst a bunch of letterpress and type bibs and bobs we bought a few months ago was this beautiful brass ring.  The outside edge is raised and will print, then the trick is to get type to fit inside it.

So that was the challenge which I really enjoyed. Different spacers and different size type to make it firm seems to be the trick.

I played around with how to do upside down or reversed lines of twenty twenty and did some proofs using carbon paper. As ever, yay for that discovery.

I chose the one I thought looked best and then selected the colour - Rubine by Australian company Fine Arts Ink.  What can I say, it looks delicious on the press!

And off we went, after quite a while setting up and sorting out the options the printing happened relatively quickly.  And in this heat of course, it dried pretty well too.

I daresay lots of optometrists will have advertising around 20-20 vision this year. So I quite liked he way this looked when I overprinted to get the registration right.  Afterwards I realised that in fact the oval shape of the brass ring almost looks like an eye as well. Spooky.

As I printed I realised that parts of the ring weren't printing properly and tried a few things like hand inking those spots, but when I headed in for a closer examination it was apparent that the ring was worn/damaged and nothing I did was ever going to get those bits to ink. So I accepted this evidence of a hard working life and kept on.

When you look closely the damage is there for all to see. Maybe just worn, but whatever the cause it is there and I hope adds character!

So the cards are getting written on and posted places as we speak; and will hopefully land in their new homes soon.


  1. Fiona I love the worn look of the printed outer edge. It adds to the whole thing.

    1. Thanks Penny - I think it gives them character, and knowing that it has been used and used is good I think! Go well.

  2. I wondered how you created the ring around the words ... great stuff!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.