Sunday, June 30, 2024

Exposed has popped up and gone!

Here we are on Sunday afternoon, after a huge and busy weekend popping up the photography exhibition Exposed by my friend Sheila and I.

Some compilation images of our work. We had been playing with these setting in our phone cameras and loved the effect we could achieve, and sought to refine it and improve it until we felt we had some quality photos.  We each selected our Top Ten. Each work was in an Edition of 3 - No. 1 was framed and No.s 2 & 3 were available unframed.

Sheila along the top, Fiona along the bottom.

Sheila along the top, Fiona along the bottom.

Fiona across the top, Sheila across the bottom.

Sheila on the left, Fiona on the right.

Sheila top left and bottom right, Fiona top right and bottom left.

All of the frames were re-furbished and re-purposed. We cleaned, painted and replaced foam core or other backings, we had the mats professionally cut and if acrylic had been used we replaced it with glass; and then Barry attached all the hanging wires.

Deciding which images go into which frame, framing and matting and cleaning...

Nearly there...

The artists at work - after having framed and cleaned all the pieces., pondering layout and hanging maybe?

The first hang.

Opening Night... Sheila and I.

It was quite the arty party! Lovely flowers, food and friends...

Both of these works of mine sold out their full edition... so that was pretty special.

And. It is so hopeful - when Margaret Atwood was asked what her favourite word was she answered with this.  I pondered that thought over here at Thursday Thoughts, more than a decade ago...

And this one, called Worn, is a hymn book we found in a church in Scotland that had been left abandoned...


  1. There is an ethereal, haunting quality to these works; stunning individually and when combined. The opening looks so lovely. Congratulations!

    1. Hi Stephanie so sorry for my tardiness! That you for your kind words - the images really do have a sense of ethereality as you say. It is so interesting to see how different they all are, yet how connected. The opening was a fun night and very buzzy! Go well


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.