Thursday, September 1, 2016

Thursday Thoughts...

May you take time 
to celebrate the quiet miracles 
that seek no attention. 

John O'Donohue

Ahhh John O'Donohue, such a solace to the soul.

This morning we were working in the yard, trimming trees, watching birds, discovering nests and finishing up by going for a wander on the block.

Our block is steep and hard to negotiate at times, but today it brought much happiness as we walked the slopes.

Luckily I had secateurs with me as we wandered and I gathered in my arms a full load of Australian native flowers - our funny, odd-looking flowers that to me just burst with Ozzi-ness. Unbeknownst to me, down below, the quiet miracle of bursting forth with Spring joy had been happening, seeking no attention, but ending up sharing much happiness with me.

And yes, I celebrated.


  1. Such lovely grevilea flowers, the colours are sensational.

    1. Stunning aren't they Penny!?! I love our flowers - crazy, mad, exotic....


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