Sunday, July 28, 2024

Still stitching!

 Honestly, I have written about this stitching for months it seems, but here we are, still stitching.

The excellent news - all seven scrolls are complete! I re-stitched the pale pink one with the steely blue grey and it works. Here they are perched precariously on the couch, in a couple of different sequences. 

I was always planning on the sequence of small to large then back down to small again, and was fiddling around with the best colour ways together. I asked a friend who immediately said can't you just mix the widths/heights up and work with colours that way? And so I now have no idea what I will do and will wait to see what they look like in situ!

And here is a sneak peak of what else is part of it - the rusty tins at the bottom of each unfurling scroll.

And the stitching continues because I'm stitching some pieces that go in the tins.

With luck they will soon be finished and I can let out a sigh of relief that all the work themselves are complete, with just a few fiddles and faddles to be done.

And just because nature is wonderful... we had the oddest looking clouds the other morning. They looked like somebody had smudged them as they painted them on.

And a beautiful gentle creamy yellow grevillea where we had stopped to have a coffee this morning...

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