Sunday, September 15, 2024

Jewellery making

 In the middle of the kitchen renovation week, we had booked in to do a private Masterclass-type session with a renowned silversmith. Masterclass by me indeed!

We had asked to be taught how to set stones in bezels. And what an amazing process it was. I doubt I will do much more stone setting myself, but it was a remarkable day and I learned so much.

Wrapping the bezel setting strip around the stone and making sure the ends meet up perfectly.

After soldering I checked that my beach pebble would fit and it did pretty well.

The next job was to solder the ring to the base plate - quite a job but I did it!

Followed by my least favourite job - sawing the silver. It is so slow and my hands cramped up a lot!!!

But I did it.

I formed a ring and soldered it together; and my next job was to file a flat surface for the base plate to attach to.

And then came the bit I didn't do - soldering the ring to the base plate.

I was tired by the end of. My brain was full, my hands were aching and I was so appreciative of the time spent with us.

What a gorgeous outcome! A simple, humble, beach pebble made beautiful.

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