Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Exciting News

 I received an email the other afternoon, which thrilled and excited me no end.  It was from the Museum and they advised that they wished to purchase two pieces from the exhibition: All That Was Lost; and Bundled and Burnt.

I sat there with tears in my eyes as I read it, to think that these two beautiful pieces had found a home in the place they were meant for. It was so moving, and so special.

I admire the Museum so much for the way in which they have become such a force for contemporary understandings of historical matters. Not only do they honour and value the artefacts they are custodians of; they tell the stories in interesting and visually and aurally stimulating ways. The volunteers are all knowledgeable and helpful and the building and displays are just beautiful.

Their commitment to promoting contemporary art which tells stories is to be admired. The fact that they hold exhibitions with contemporary artistic interpretations of local historical issues is wonderful. That they understand how art offers viewers and visitors another way in to understand nature of history in this area is worthy of applause.

That they then add to their collection of historical artefacts, contemporary artwork is just marvellous. The works will eventually be on show in the cafe near the Museum. As I understand it, the plan is for a renovated and refreshed cafe experience, and within the building the artwork collection will be showcased, which may of course,  encourage folk to go across and visit the Museum as well.

So I have diligently packaged up and labeled the works.

I also provided more information and images of the works for the record.

I included the 4 books I had stitched throughout the exhibition as they were being gifted to the Museum and you also need paperwork for donations!

We are beginning to turn towards returning to Maleny. As ever, the leaving will be bittersweet; but I go with a slight spring in my step knowing that these precious pieces have found the perfect home.

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