Thursday, October 24, 2024

Thursday Thoughts...

“To create one’s own world takes courage.”  

Georgia O’Keeffe

In oh so many ways, being an artist takes courage.  There is a certain sense of bravery in taking the decision to try and express your feelings, responses, and observations in a way that becomes visible to others. Things that are in our heads, don't always translate magnificently to the page or the canvas, or the fabric, and the translation can disappoint, which can in turn lead to criticism.

I think Georgia O'Keefe is taking it further than the act of making or creating; beyond to the place where the making and creating IS your world. That you have dedicated your life to being an artist or a creative. That you go without all sorts of things in order to be able to pursue your passion. 

To follow your own uniquely of seeing and committing to it whether or not it is popular or in vogue or well regarded takes courage. I am glad she created her own world for us all to enjoy.

Glenn Ligon, I Found My Voice, 1990


  1. What a grand perspective is expressed in this quote. There is much to ponder here.

  2. Don and I visited Georgia O’Keeffe’s world at the Ghost Ranch yet again … it never gets old and now I want to spend a full week there watching the light change over the course of each day


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.