Tuesday, November 13, 2018

An article and more 'creative life' time

I was approached a while back by journalist to see if I would be OK if she were to include me in article she was writing fro the Australian Decorative and Fine Arts Societies journal called 'art life'.  I was more than happy to be included and sent off the images and promptly forgot about it.

On our return from Scotland I discovered a copy of the journal had arrived and the article was contained within.

It is a lovely consideration of books as art, and of different approaches by different women, in the making of their artists' books.

I am very pleased to have been included and enjoyed reading the various stories.

My part is titled "from print to politics" (what a surprise!) and features two of my favourites "A Subversive Stitch" and "Time to Change".

And after sharing the article it is back to what makes a creative life. This is the state of my studio desk this morning after unpacking from the weekend workshop and having to shift and move a heap of things in preparation for a possible re-arrangement of the studio space.

I had planned to just keep printing and preparing a for a workshopI am teaching, but clearly there is a new priority and I am calling this part of the creative life "Supporting a Creative Life".  Tidying, sorting, cleaning, setting up; all of these things form part of the underpinnings to a creative life.  They need to be done in order to do the most important part, the making.

In the past, I have kind of disregarded this element of the creative life and been annoyed and frustrated by it; but I am slowly coming to realise its importance, and am making peace with the time it takes to do.  Soon things shall be clear and calm again and I shall be inky once again.

And as promised a quick look at my finished book - a quarter case binding I think it is called...


  1. Marvelous Fiona, what a lovely surprise to come home to. xg

    1. Thanks G! It was a delight - sometimes good things can come from forgetting.

  2. a beautiful book & congratulations on the article in artlife!

    1. Thanks Mo - a little bit chuffed by the article, and by the book! Now to see if it can be repeated at home and without instruction...go well.

  3. I take much comfort seeing how your creative space ebbs and flows ... I "lose" things when I organize (as in "where the heck did I put that thing"), but I also find "lost" things that then find their way back to the top of the stack. For I do work stratigraphically ... recalling where things are by how far down in the stack they have settled. And like all things geologic, they are sometimes transformed by the pressure of time.

    1. Thank you so much Liz - it helps to know that my ebb and flow as you so kindly put it resonates. I love that word stratigraphically! I simply say 'filing by piling' - I usually know in which pile something would be and where about in the pile height wise as well. Maybe that's our superpower!?!?!


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.