Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thursday Thoughts...

“When you hold a (real) book in your hands, the molecules in your body rejoice.” 

Maira Kalman 

I oftentimes wonder exactly what is it about books? 

What is it that means so much? Why do they matter? Why do they carry companionship with them? What is it that makes them so important to me and to others? Why will I always buy books? What makes me want to protect and collect them? Why do I make books? What does it mean to use books as art? Why do people fear and burn books? What is it that makes them so valuable over time? Why in a digital age do they still feel so essential?

What is it about books I ask?

And hey - its because the molecules in my body are rejoicing.

Love it!

And in the absence of any photos my personal molecules vibrating; this complex ecosystem with sundews in the  bog at Forsinard Flow in Scotland is as close a representation as I could get.


  1. I love Maira Kalman's art as much as her words ... her illustrated version of (the otherwise dry as dust) Strunk and White Elements of Style, was a treasure (sadly, my copy moldered and I had to let it go ... should probably get another one)

    and a note about the parenthetical (real) ... as much as I love technology and am addicted to screens, I have yet to read an ebook ... paper it is and paper it will forever be for me!

    1. Holding a paper book in your hand is just the best Liz! I have adapted to e books when I travel (my greatest fear was running out of books to read in non-English speaking countries). I read them on planes and if/when away and I can't get hold of a real book. But I still always buy and borrow real books the most. Happy smile.

  2. thank goodness for people sharing books in the Little Street Libraries during this very l-o-n-g lockdown here in Sydney!

    1. Fantastic news Mo! That is great to hear; they really make a difference and sharing them round is so good. I love looking and trawling and finding a gem; or picking up something I might not have otherwise read...go well.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.