Thursday, December 29, 2022
Thursday thoughts...
Tuesday, December 27, 2022
The gift of time and play
This week between Christmas and new year always feels a bit like never-never time; one never really knows what day it is; there is food everywhere still be used so not much meal planning has to happen; not much shopping and it feels like a kind of a pause.
I have been preparing my new year cards, and as a gift to myself have begun an online course called The Expressive Line with Brody Neuenschwander.
I purchased the course back in August thinking I might do some of it whilst we were in Scotland; however I filled my time in many other ways there, and pretty much didn't draw breath when we returned. I checked if it had any expiry date and it does - I need to have done it by mid-late February 2023.
So...I thought I might use this in-between-time to explore the course and do the assignments.
So far, I have watched the full video class and demonstration and am about to read through my assignment. Time in the studio is scheduled for trying out all the techniques Brody shows on the video. Here are details of some of the handouts - lots of different movement and rhythm and texture and angles and pressure...very much wondering if I have it in me to create marks and letters like this - but then that is exactly why I am doing a course i guess!
And just a lovely little bit of our Christmas lunch table...pax.
Sunday, December 25, 2022
For the festive season
Thursday, December 22, 2022
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
Sewing as a creative outlet
I feel like I have barely visited the studio in the past weeks - dropping in here and there; stopping by to collect things and drop other things off. So much time has been spent on other life matters.
One thing I have been doing quietly at home however is sewing.
You may recall my frustration at not being able to work out how to get a tidy finish to this wee grey linen drawstring bag.
I did more searching, watched videos, friends sent me links and still I couldn't quite sort it in my head how to have a French seam inside AND a tidy drawstring. I was about to cut a trial bag out of calico when I sat down and looked hard at the one I had done thus far.
I thought to myself, what if I unpicked that bit and then hand sewed it back together neatly?
So there I was, saved by the hand stitching and the ability to make things work for me best when I do them by hand. My hands feel their way.
However, playing with fabric and needles and threads did have me back at the sewing machine trying to use up some of the lovely fabrics I have had stashed away since my sewing class came to an end three years ago.
First up I stitched one of my favourite sleeveless tops for summer. It was trickier than I anticipated (everything to do with sewing machines ends up trickier than I anticipate!) as the fabric had a lot of crinkles, creases and stretch in it. Some serious ironing sorted it in the end, and I enjoyed how it looked once complete.
I then moved on to another top for which I had a traced pattern, with no notches or markings on the pattern pieces, and some photocopied instructions that made me wonder if I missed a page somewhere? Hilarious.
Mostly done, just sorting out the facings
Checking where to iron the front cowl drape bit
Pinning then hand stitching the facings down.
Despite the lack of markings and vague instructions, we got there!
There appears to be a serious circular theme at play - who knew?
Sunday, December 18, 2022
Beginning to look a bit like...
This time of year really races away from me no matter how hard I plan and intend for it not to!
But during the week I decided it was time to put the tree up and to think about the odd piece of decoration here and there.
At the front door, we try to have something a little bit festive and this year it is this lovely soft grey-green leafed plant with a few decorative ceramic tags in it and on it.
Below the tree are some gifts, wrapped in some letterpress-printed paper, full of ampersands. As Margaret Atwood so elegantly puts it "... and is so hopeful".
Thursday, December 15, 2022
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
Beginning a commission
I have been asked to think about designing a Title for the cover of a book of poetry. I have done calligraphic work for this series of works before, but there are three books to come and I am trying to settle into the rhythm again after quite a big break.
The Title is "Rough Sleepers" and I have been thinking about styles in those wide-awake-at-night moments. So on Friday aI sat down, gathered my thoughts, some paper, some ink and some pens and took the first steps. Oh, and a cup of tea too!
I wanted to test and trial some of my ruling pens; some moth pens and anything else that might look scratchy. There were 7 tools in the end that I thought would be worth a go.

Sunday, December 11, 2022
A lovely exchange is underway...
One of the things I love about the internet, about blogs, and about artistic communities that share their wisdom, thoughts and explorations around the globe, is how you can make friends without ever meeting them.
I have made some marvellous friends in this way and we have, whenever possible, gone out of our way on travels to catch up and meet face to face. The joy of actually meeting someone in person, who you feel as if you already know so well through so many simpatico moments is so good!
We have met blog friends in Washington State, Arizona, New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Wales, and here in Australia where we have hosted friends from afar when meeting them for the first time.
Sadly, I am yet to meet face to face with my blogging friend Annwyn who lives in Yorkshire; but we have corresponded regularly throughout the pandemic, measuring days and experiences; sharing thoughts and worries, and happiness when things go well.
Her website can be found here and her blog is here, both well worth a visit and a wander...
We were probably both still feeling a little doubtful, tentative and unsure (ahhh validation!) when we decided to try a small book exchange across the globe.
Even though parcel and post systems across the world have not really recovered from the earliest days of lockdowns and the like, we have stepped forward into the future, hopefully being able to send a book or two to each other in the mail.
We have chosen the working title "The Shape of Things" which we felt gave us a real freedom of interpretation. We plan to make two books, or an edition of two, or two sibling books as I might call them, and send one to the other; and keep one for ourselves.
Our first book is due to be posted in the first week of January, and the pair of us are quietly working away on opposite sides of the world.
We have tried to be kind to ourselves and not put too much pressure on, which is wise!
I began pottering about with some ideas about backgrounds and pages when we were at the cottage in Scotland. This was a challenge for me in a couple of ways as I really tend not to use much colour in my work. Here I was adding pattern and texture as well! Glory be.
But I must say, I like where I landed.
So much testing, trialling and experimenting happens whenever I attempt to make a book. So many meanderings down this path and that.
Here I was thinking about imagery - the fence line on the hill outside our bedroom window at the cottage.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
Key commission
Occasionally people ask me to do calligraphic commissions. I inevitably say no as I don't trust my calligraphy to be perfectly satisfactory for a special item. I usually refer folk onto the Buderim calligraphers who have any number of skilled calligraphers who do commissions.
This time around, I said that and the client replied that the calligraphers had referred them to me! Laugh. It became clear that I seemed to be a more likely person to take on a tricky writing on wood kind of commission.
After hearing the client's story of desperation and rejection to this point I agreed to have a look at the project, and in the end agreed to do it, with the writing to simply be nice handwriting.
I was to write a name and the number 21 on a large wooden key.
Of course, the writing needed to be around the top curve (and may I say there is nothing much harder than trying to write around curves) and the number was to below the small hole.