Sunday, March 6, 2022

Small things...

 A far less dramatic weekend was had; but elsewhere in the country the drama continues to fold as floodwaters recede and the terrible sadness of examining all that has been ruined and lost begins in earnest.  In Queensland, 10 people have died from the flooding; and in NSW there have been 5 deaths so far. Tens of thousands are homeless; some have had no power for a week or more; and food and water are in very short supply.

Our hearts ache and our heads hurt trying to process all of the sadness and horror both here and in Europe. How to honour events and people and bear witness without crumbling. From the safety of our own homes. Which sounds ridiculous when you think about how much damage people are experiencing.

And so we turn to small things. Manageable things. Little things that need doing. Small steps towards something.

We illustrate more grief cards, in sombre hues.

We smile at the wee moss gardens that haven't minded the rain.

We prepare fabric and fall in love with photos of the threads and fraying.

We sort and move type and enjoy the quiet order and calm that type in place provides. The square spacers form such lovely grid.

The smaller spacers achieve quiet beauty.

Some letters just become a jumble; but in the right place.

And this row of es looks positively chirpy.

We remember to photograph prints that kind of sort of almost work...but really not sure that they do.  The daffodils with embossing.

And without.

And it's lovely to see my print "Mabel's Scrub" has been acquired by the Sunshine Coast Art Collection as part of the Eco-Women project from March 2020. Here it is on display at Caloundra Regional Gallery - Barry held a workshop there yesterday and he was able to send me some photos.

So we move forward slowly and gently. Saddened by the loss of life and the long struggle ahead for so many. In so many ways and in so many places. 

As I  sit here and type the thunder grumbles as dangerous storms make their way through once more...


  1. I'm in awe of the continuity of your making in the face of so many distractions

    may your home continue to provide you with safe haven ... and may the studio stay dry ...

    1. Thanks Liz - feeling very skittery again, but little things can still be achieved...


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