Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Once more a cornucopia

 Indeed, a cornucopia of this and that - perhaps that's just my story of 2020 and I should simply accept it and not feel like a failure for not getting anything major done.  

The times, in oh so many ways, are distracting and difficult and focus is hard to find. Worry sits alongside me. Fear settles in my brain. Hope pops its head up every now and again. It is all still a bit of a muddle and I guess it's OK to say that.

So once more a tale of random  and not necessarily connected moments and things made.

Visiting friends is back on, as is visiting art galleries and shows.  And I am pretty sure seeing beauty and arty things in random places never really went away.

This amazing reflection in a pot at our friend Ken's place.  I can't recall what he was doing with it but completely concurred when he said he couldn't bear to throw it away!

The world is a circle indeed - now more than ever we need to join hearts around the globe; to share the load and give each other support and strength.

As many of you know, I look for hearts wherever I go and found this on a bench seat at a lookout nearby.

I have been printing up some more cards and I quite like this little one.

And had run out of these, so got in and printed a heap more.  It kind of says it all in a way...perfect for these times, and many other times.

To help out a small and beautiful natural screen print fabric place inMelbourne during lockdown (Ink and Spindle) I bought this kit to make a fabric bucket. And I made it!  Almost as exciting as the pencil case I made recently using some of their fabric, this little bucket is now home to all my hand sewing stuff.  I can pick it up easily and take it with me wherever I feel like stitching on the day.


And guess what? We found the mountains again!  Visiting a lookout near our new home to watch some storms move along the coast, as we turned to leave we drove down this road, and there they were. What a delightful discovery to see them so nearby despite being so much further away from them...

Its a year of small things I feel...


  1. a beautiful new view of your mountains!

    1. I know! How fab was that! It's like visiting them...grin.

  2. small things add up ... pieces of type ... bits of cloth and stitch ... moments of kindness ... votes ...

    each becoming something more ... the whole being greater than the sum of its parts

    1. Thanks Liz. It's funny how I know this to be true, yet still seem to prefer to beat myself up. Seriously, when do we get over that? Or maybe its just me. I shall try to reconfigure my thinking to see the value of all the small things as a gathering and a gleaning...thank you.


I appreciate your thoughts and comments; thanks for taking the time.