Friday, December 4, 2009

Andy Goldsworthy visits

Andy Goldsworthy is a remarkable artist. I think of him as an environmental artist who works in the landscape with nature and natural materials. I learnt about him and his work in 2006 and have been a fan ever since.

So he had hero-kind of status in my mind, and I did the classic, literal double-take when I saw an email saying he was going to be in Kenilworth (a town tinier than ours, about 40km west). I re-read it, clicked on the link to check we were thinking about/talking about the same man, because it seemed surreal and unbelievable. But yes, he was visiting.

We went and listened to him talk about his work and views slides of his last 12 months of work. It was wonderful to hear him and realise he was a nice as you would have hoped he would be. He spoke with passion and care, respect for the land and materials and had a mind that was open to wonder.

You can view some of his work and hear him talk about it here.
Below (courtesy of my friend Sue) you can see my friend Susan I being 'groupies' - getting our books signed; and Barry talking with the man himself. Sigh.

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