Thursday, October 29, 2020
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, October 27, 2020
Sittin' Stitchin'
We had some rain over the weekend, and I had some time, so that was the perfect set up to sit and stitch by hand again.
I decided I might try to stitch a bit of sampler because that way I don't feel as if every decision is critical - I am just testing and trying things out, finding my way...
By way of beginning, some soft grey onto the reverse of some lovely hand printed linen. Running stitch is the perfect stitch for me; the rhythm the repetitiveness, yet the non-perfection. Edges left to fray.
Followed by next favourites tech blanket stitch, going around three edges with no contrast in the thread colour, and leaving one edge open. Wondered if it might become a pocket?
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Playing and printing plus!
So, I have begun to see my Sunday in the shop/studio at Deckled Edge Press as a chance to play and explore. I did those wonderful cut up offprints a few weeks ago; and last week I picked up a couple of Barry's rejected prints and played around re-working one of them.
His poster Dismantle Patriarchy, Deliver Equality is a wee ripper; and I wanted to see what happened if you messed with it bit.
So I cut into dismantle and coloured up deliver.
And it was time for product production as well - so a few more cards were printed. Some still need to be illustrated but they are at least underway!
Thursday, October 22, 2020
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, October 20, 2020
Stitching and thank you
As we begin to be able to settle into our new lives within being focussed on all the details of a move, I am re-discovering sewing. Last weekend I sat and re-acquainted myself with my sewing machine; this weekend I picked up some slow hand stitching again. Both wonderful and a real sense of enjoyment.
I have no photos of the trousers I made, but I was thrilled to lengthen the pattern and create my own variation of side pockets and to have them work. yay.
I ordered a fabric kit and a course online from Craft School Oz on slow stitching. I just wanted somewhere to start (again) and sometimes an external impetus helps.
The bundle arrived in the post and I opened it and was delighted.

Sunday, October 18, 2020
Teaching pebbles
Which is a kind of strange title, but it's what I did during the week - taught my calligraphy on pebbles workshop.
My workshop table before we began
Thursday, October 15, 2020
Thursday Thoughts...
Tuesday, October 13, 2020
I am involved in a piece of work that requires me to work with some metal and have been pondering how best to represent this work. I had one of those lovely serendipitous moments late on Sunday afternoon, just as I was about to close the studio and head home, where I went Oh this, oh that, oh yes!
Some of the metal - I love its marks and wear and tear and the colours.